Monday, April 30, 2012

Software Error fixed, everyone needs to download a fresh cookie to see Images

You may have noticed we had a software error earlier and now that the site is back online all avatars and attachments seem to have vanished! Let me first assure you this is not the case. The files all still exist where they should on the server, but due to changes made while fixing the software error your browser needs to be essentially retaught how to find them.

To do that is as simple as logging out and deleting any cookies your browser has saved for the Haven. As there are many different browsers in use by various people below you'll find a link with walkthroughs on how to do it for many different browsers.

How to delete cookies...

[b]A special note for Firefox users:[/b] At least in my own experience any time I remove a single cookie Firefox has a habit of blocking that site from having me download a new one. After deleting the cookies I'd suggest clicking on the 'Exceptions' button above the 'Show Cookies' button and making sure is not listed. If it is, delete it and log in.

Once you've deleted all cookies relating to logging in will download a fresh, brand new one which should resolve the problem and you should again see all the pretty avatars and attachments where they should be. If you do not please click here to visit the topic on the News board to seek further help.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh, HEY! It's good to see my idea for a blog like this up and running!
